Tänään "terveystiedon" tunnilla aiheena oli surun käsittely luokassa. Sen kävimme läpi alla olevan runon muodossa. Ja tämä runo kuvaa minusta erinomaisesti perinteistä irlantilaista. Siksi haluan muistaa sen itse ja jakaa sen myös muille.
"There is an elephant in the room" by Terry Kettering
There is an elephant in the room.
It is large and squating so it's hard to get around.
Newertheless we squeeze by with a "how are you?" and "I'm fine!"
And a thousand other forms of trivial chatter.
We talk about the weather.
We talk about work.
We talk about everything else - except the elephant in the room.
We all know it's there.
We are talking about the elephant as we talk.
It is constantly on our minds, for, you see, it is a very big elephant.
But we do not talk about the elephant in the room.
Oh please say her name.
Oh please, say 'Barbara' again,
Oh please let's talk about the elephant in the room.
For if we talk about her death, perhaps we can talk about her life.
Can I say 'Barbara' and not have you look away?
For if I cannot, you are leaving me alone.
In a room.
With an elephant.
There is an elephant in the room.
It is large and squating so it's hard to get around.
Newertheless we squeeze by with a "how are you?" and "I'm fine!"
And a thousand other forms of trivial chatter.
We talk about the weather.
We talk about work.
We talk about everything else - except the elephant in the room.
We all know it's there.
We are talking about the elephant as we talk.
It is constantly on our minds, for, you see, it is a very big elephant.
But we do not talk about the elephant in the room.
Oh please say her name.
Oh please, say 'Barbara' again,
Oh please let's talk about the elephant in the room.
For if we talk about her death, perhaps we can talk about her life.
Can I say 'Barbara' and not have you look away?
For if I cannot, you are leaving me alone.
In a room.
With an elephant.
Vaikka tämän paikoin vähän tökerön runon sanoma on mielestäni hieno ja toivottavasti se herättää myös muissa ajatuksia!
Kuitenkin vhs-kasettia voi uusiokäyttää vaikka näin!
Tänään pikkunarsissit olivat puhjenneet kukkaan Peoples Parkissa. Kevään merkkejä Limerickissä! Juuri parahultaisesti juhlistamaan huomista Saint Patrick's Day'ta, jota itse odotan innolla!
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